Amanda Nahimana

The art of saving

The Art of Saving. A lot of individuals aspire to beef up their bank accounts, and ensure a financially secure future. Well, the first step towards this is quite straightforward; start saving. I have always been super frugal, even from an early age. I would save my pocket money just in case I needed it later. It wasn’t easy, watching while my friends went shopping for the latest clothes, spent money on an impromptu picnic. But it was always worth it, on the days when I finally got to use my savings on a worthy and substantial purchase. Then came my first job, and with it the excitement of having more money than I ever did before! To be honest I went on a shopping spree the first few months, but the disciplined saver in me resurfaced, and I am handling my finances better now. My struggle is not unique; a lot of us oscillate between saving religiously, and spending on a whim. If you’re struggling to clear up your debt, save up money for something you want, or even, if you want to put money away for retirement, then Ecobba is here to help you.